A Life Beyond: Leveraging Earth Science Interoperability Projects


Many earth science interoperability projects have been funded; few survive to conduct stable (or growing) operations. And many projects with long, successful histories and products are passed by in the excitement to create the Next Great Thing.

What can be done to improve the uptake from earth science interoperability projects, especially as they decline?

We want to have some fun as we develop this theme. Our panel, including David Arctur and Dave Foulker, and our attendees will address these topics with case histories, lessons learned, visions of better ways, and plain old brainstorming:

  • make projects better known, connected, and used while they are operational;
  • strengthen collaborative and synergistic project approaches to addressing earth science interoperability;
  • promote appropriate operational funding for successful projects;
  • identify new operational and funding models for projects whose grants will run out;
  • provide project archival ideas—advice, best practices, and opportunities—to projects that will otherwise go dark; and
  • discover and save projects that may have already disappeared (or be about to), to recover key value.

While one focus is on community and social interoperability efforts, technical interoperability projects are also in the mix.

Graybeal, J.; A Life Beyond: Leveraging Earth Science Interoperability Projects; Summer Meeting 2015. ESIP Commons , April 2015