Supporting Researchers in Discovering Data Repositories

Key Info
Description - a brief synopsis, abstract or summary of what the learning resource is about: 

How do researchers go about identifying a repository to preserve their data? Do they have all the information they need to make an informed decision? Are there resources available to help?
There is a myriad of repositories available to support data preservation and they differ across multiple axes. So which one is right for your data? The answer is large, ‘it depends’. But this can be frustrating to a new researcher looking to publish data for the first time. What questions need to be asked to detangle these dependencies and where can a researcher go for answers?
Conversations and sessions at domain conferences have consistently suggested that researchers need more support in navigating the landscape of data repositories and with support from ESIP Funding Friday, we sought to do that. In this webinar, we will introduce a resource under development that aims to serve as a gateway for information about repository selection. With links to existing resources, games, and outreach materials, we aim to facilitate the discovery of data repositories and we welcome contributions to increase the value of this resource.

Authoring Person(s) Name: 
Amber Budden
Erin McLean
License - link to legal statement specifying the copyright status of the learning resource: 
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International - CC BY 4.0
Access Cost: 
No fee
Primary language(s) in which the learning resource was originally published or made available: 
More info about
Keywords - short phrases describing what the learning resource is about: 
Data discovery and identification - Core Trustworthy Data Repositories Requirements
Data management
Data preservation
Data reuse - Core Trustworthy Data Repositories Requirements
Data storage
Published / Broadcast: 
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Publisher - organization credited with publishing or broadcasting the learning resource: 
Media Type - designation of the form in which the content of the learning resource is represented, e.g., moving image: 
Event - time-based happening that is portrayed or covered by the learning resource, e.g., a webinar.
Educational Info
Purpose - primary educational reason for which the learning resource was created: 
Professional Development - increasing knowledge and capabilities related to managing the data produced, used or re-used, curated and/or archived.
Learning Resource Type - category of the learning resource from the point of view of a professional educator: 
Lesson - detailed description of an element of instruction in a course, [could be] contained in a unit of one or more lessons, and used by a teacher to guide class instruction. Example: presentation slides on a topic.
Target Audience - intended audience for which the learning resource was created: 
Citizen scientist
Early-career research scientist
Graduate student
Repository manager
Research scientist
Undergraduate student
Intended time to complete - approximate amount of time the average student will take to complete the learning resource: 
Up to 1 hour