Introducción a Topic Modeling y MALLET

Key Info
Description - a brief synopsis, abstract or summary of what the learning resource is about: 

En esta lección, primero aprenderás qué es topic modeling1 y por qué podrías querer utilizarlo en tus investigaciones. Luego aprenderás cómo instalar y trabajar con MALLET, una caja de herramientas para procesamiento de lenguajes naturales (PLN) que sirve para realizar este tipo de análisis. MALLET requiere que se modifique una variable de entorno (esto es, configurar un atajo para que la computadora sepa en todo momento dónde encontrar el programa MALLET) y que se trabaje con la línea de comandos (es decir, tecleando comandos manualmente en vez de hacer clic en íconos o menús).

Authoring Person(s) Name: 
Shawn Graham
Scott Weingart
Ian Milligan
Authoring Organization(s) Name: 
The Programming Historian
Access Cost: 
No fee
Citation - format of the preferred citation for the learning resource: 
Shawn Graham, Scott Weingart, y Ian Milligan, "Introducción a Topic Modeling y MALLET", traducido por Ulrike Henny-Krahmer, The Programming Historian en español 2 (2018),
Primary language(s) in which the learning resource was originally published or made available: 
Also available in - other languages in which the learning resource has been translated or made available other than the primary: 
More info about
Keywords - short phrases describing what the learning resource is about: 
Data access methods
Data modeling
Data skills education
Digital humanities
Humanities data
Software management
Subject Discipline - subject domain(s) toward which the learning resource is targeted: 
Arts and Humanities
Arts and Humanities: Digital Humanities
Published / Broadcast: 
Sunday, September 2, 2012
ID - identifier that provides the means to locate the learning resource or its citation: 
Type - namespace prefix for the citable locator, if any: 
Publisher - organization credited with publishing or broadcasting the learning resource: 
The Programming Historian
Media Type - designation of the form in which the content of the learning resource is represented, e.g., moving image: 
Interactive Resource - requires a user to take action or make a request in order for the content to be understood, executed or experienced.
Educational Info
Purpose - primary educational reason for which the learning resource was created: 
Instruction - detailed information about aspects or processes related to data management or data skills.
Learning Resource Type - category of the learning resource from the point of view of a professional educator: 
Learning Activity - guided or unguided activity engaged in by a learner to acquire skills, concepts, or knowledge that may or may not be defined by a lesson. Examples: data exercises, data recipes.
Target Audience - intended audience for which the learning resource was created: 
Early-career research scientist
Graduate student
Mid-career research scientist
Research faculty
Research scientist
Software engineer
Technology expert group
Undergraduate student
Intended time to complete - approximate amount of time the average student will take to complete the learning resource: 
More than 1 hour (but less than 1 day)