Using Satellite Data for Disaster Management


The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Working Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS) is constructing a high-level reference model for the use of satellites, sensors, models, and associated data products from many different global data and service providers in disaster response and risk assessment. To help streamline broad, effective access to satellite information, the reference model provides structured, shared, holistic views of distributed systems and services – in effect, a common vocabulary describing the system-of-systems building blocks and how they are composed for disaster management. These views are being inferred from real-world experience, by documenting and analyzing how practitioners have gone about using or providing satellite data to manage real disaster events or to assess or mitigate hazard risks. The case studies and reference model will highlight gaps in data supply and data delivery technologies, and suggest recommended priorities for satellite missions, ground data systems, and third-party service providers. This poster presentation seeks community feedback on the evolving reference model and resulting lessons learned.
