Going Beyond the Earthdata Website: Connecting with End Users Using Social Media and Webinars


In an effort to foster a two-way conversation and reach out to our diverse end-user communities world-wide, the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) project has launched several new NASA Earthdata social media accounts and since May of 2013, has been hosting monthly data discovery and data access webinars.  This poster will provide information about our social media efforts highlighting some key findings/metrics surrounding these efforts as well as to convey the importance and success of our monthly NASA Earthdata webinar series. Tying into the revised Earthdata content curation schema, we will be leveraging richer content and input from the Distributed Active Archive Centers, Science Computing Facilities and related Earthdata components such as Worldview, the Earthdata Code Collaborative (ECC) and the Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS). Future  web features may include user stories from the Earth science research communities, informatics articles, data discovery and data access tips, tutorials, and other data recipe “how-to’s".
