Drupal Working Group: Code Sprint


Since community is such a key component of the success of Drupal, the ESIP Drupal Working Group aspires to build a community of practice that serves the needs of the collective. One of the ways the Druapl community has tradionally approached this has been to sponsor code sprints at meetings, conferences and workshops. These code sprints are central to the effectiveness and draw of the meetups. We are seeking to establish the ESIP Winter Meeting as the official Science on Drupal Code Sprint.

Leading up the the Winter meeting, we will be identifying and discussing ideas for topics that we will tackel during this session. This session is open to everyone. If you are having a prolbem with Drupal, looking to solve a specific issue with Drupal, or are just wanting to peep the ESIP Drupal Working Group in action, please join the conversation at our Drupal.org page at: https://groups.drupal.org/science-on-drupal or comment below!

VOTE: for your code sprint collaboration area: https://groups.drupal.org/node/445988

Bassendine, D.; Shepherd, A.; Drupal Working Group: Code Sprint; Winter Meeting 2015. ESIP Commons , October 2014