Documentation - August 2012 Telecon


Preliminary Agenda:

1) CF terms to mailing list (Ed and Aleksandar)

2)  Howard Burns' wikipage (please post link to page before the meeting if you can)

3) Crosswalk - Online resources



1)     CF terms to mailing list (Ed and Aleksandar)

·         ~15 terms on the wiki “Standard Names For Satellite Observations” (

o    Includes name, unit, and definition

·         Alek proposes that first send the list to the CF Satillite mailing list, then make any suggested changes, and then send it to the CF metadata list to get added as standard names

·         Ed asked if the list should be broken into smaller groups

o    Alek has seen larger groups of names on the list than this

·         Both Ed and Alek will steer the discussion on the list servers

ACTION – Aleksandar will email the CF Satallite list with the terms and a link to the wiki page

·         Ted brought up the issue of sensor vs. instrument and channel vs. band

ACTION – Ted will add a paragraph on the wiki about the sensor-instrument and channel-band issue

·         Alek asked if Ted could get a description from NASA people regarding these terms

·         In CF there are only 3 terms with instrument and 1 with sensor and they seems to be used interchangeably

·         Decided that using alias for the variations in terms would likely be the best idea to account for variability, especially as this is an ongoing/continuous discussion

ACTION – Aleksandar will add the sensorML definitions for sensor, instrument, channel, and band


2)     Howard Burns' wikipage (please post link to page before the meeting if you can)

·         Was not in the meeting, no wiki page seems to be developed


3)     Crosswalk - Online resources


·         The crosswalk is to compare and contrast between dialects

·         Up to 10 dialects

·         Are there any people want to add?

·         Can now output entire crosswalk to the wiki

·         Ed asked about the difference between / and //

o    / is a specific location

o    // is anywhere within the xml document

·         Ted is working on how to propose to CF to incorporate object like things

·         Ed asked what is Dryad

o    Dryad is supported by DataONE and is essentially Dublin core

o    It ties publications and datasets together

ACTION – Kelly will add a section explaining the 10 different dialects including web links and xml links

  1. Aleksandar will email the CF Satallite list with the terms and a link to the wiki page

  2. Ted will add a paragraph on the wiki about the sensor-instrument and channel-band issue

  3. Aleksandar will add the sensorML definitions for sensor, instrument, channel, and band

  4. Kelly will add a section explaining the 10 different dialects including web links and xml links

Habermann, T.; Armstrong, E.; Documentation - August 2012 Telecon; Telecon Minutes. ESIP Commons , August 2012