ESIP Commons


Continuing the conversation on thet ESIP Commons Governance 

- Licensing 

- Editorial workflow


May have been making more complicated than necessary in defining our governance approach

Not the plan to finish governance document today by meeting, 1 or 2 sessions online following the meeting

Commons has a working group, mainly focused on governance side. One principle is to devolve the Commons workflow in terms of content management to the content area groups (clusters, committees). Partly exercise in definitions, different online roles and how they can complement each other 

  • website: online brochure
  • wiki: community whiteboard, workspace for activities being pursued by various groups. But dynamic so content impermanent.
  • commons: persistently available ESIP products, outcomes of the processes happening on the wiki (e.g. best practices docs from stewardship group). Also a place for groups to periodically produce summary and overview products. Exec committee working on template for state of the art summary docs.

When Rahul envisioned: saw as a micropublishing platform, nontraditional content, with mechanism to cite the articles. Also archiving artifacts of meetings (posters, ontologies). 

Expanding content types in the Commons can maintain citation ability but expand definition of what the content is.

Hard to find the content on the wiki, and to relate it to other people/objects and understand who it belongs to, who can use it, when it's done.

Reformatting the Commons front page currently, will add Funding Friday projects, etc. Also good for reputation building and networking.

Might need to work on format of citations, how do we want to recommend it looks. Also adding a DOI

Commons has potential to have editorial review. Issue with Draft and Submit monitoring for multiple sessions.

Have 'revisions' tab to show evolution of document

Workflow: having people submit meeting sessions, what happens to content that is not accepted? If submitted do they get shown?

  • Looking at alternative session types? If have an abundance, allow virtual sessions before/during/after in-person scheduled sessions
  • esip-all sessions
  • Organizing issue for BOF meetings to let people know what's going on. Erin too busy to communicate all of the info
  • At the summer meeting had some space, but hard for first timers or unconnected folks to find
  • Write on a white board to indicate, a room with space, Tweet it

Is there a way to archive the Twitter stream?

Meetings and commons go hand-in-hand because so much content is generated at the meetings

  • Add finer grained tags for presenters?

Good tagging and classification scheme in order to drill down to right content and associated objects

Attribution from the Commons helpful, e.g. for Annual Report (NASA contributed this, who participated from this agency, etc.)

Alternative use-cases for Commons

  • Real-time use in meetings
  • Also streamlining internal knowledge mgmt and reporting

RSS feed linked to a particular search

  • Managers could set-up to keep idea of what ESIP-related activities happening

Current set of content types: article, education modules, encyclopedia, lesson plans, meeting session, microarticle, poster, state of art, use cases

Adding scroll of most recent content to Commons home

Have people start to flag in the wiki what groups want migrated to the Commons, Erin can move it over

Need common styling for commons, e.g. Abstracts

Wiki mark-up changing: copying and pasting text (not mark-up) to Commons. Tables and images don't work. 

  • Could do filter 
  • Adopt markdown? Unsure wiki supports

Ultimately worth having content with or without a DOI?

  • Make automatic if object has field triggering DOI (EZID)
  • Currently possible

Number of DOIs not currently limited. Doing manually right now.

Import LinkedIn/Facebook info

Pantheon: cloud-hosting platform for Drupal. Good for collaborative developing, working with Solr

Draft governance doc has been on hiatus

Finish in the next couple of calls

Suggestions for simplification

Need to figure out appropriate content types for uses. Don't want to proliferate, but Erin has a few more to add (e.g. presentation)

Available license terms under which content is added to the site

  • Civil servants can't copyright
  • Having CC0 available, as well as CCBY
  • Want to create a Federation agreed subset of licenses (subsetted guide to main users and appropriate associated license)
  • What is the default copyright? ESIP preferred, but folks can change
  • Not reinventing the Creative Commons infrastructure
  • There is a module to implement list of licenses to choose from
  • Adding machine readable content as well
  • Also adding license type as a facet in Solr

Reconvene commons working group 30th (Erin will set-up)


Continue quarterly calls for evolving the Commons

Benedict, K.; ESIP Commons; Winter Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , November 2012