Agclimate telecon 2014-12-02

  • 5 Confirmed Speakers
    • Still talking with Randy Johnson - National Leader for climate hubs - USDA (Maybe 1st speaker at the second session)
  • Order of the speakers:
    • Session is hour and 30 minutes each - question of panel (Assuming that speakers will be there for both sessions)
    • Panel at the end - have some questions available to ask - but also ask from audience
  • First:
    • Randy
    • Liping
    • Steve
    • Arif 4th of first session
  • 2nd:
    • Wade
    • Dalia
  • (Maximum 20 minutes each - 15 minutes discussion in first session - Panel would have 50 minutes - prepare a couple questions to get the audience going)
  • Bill will confirm with Randy about whether he can come - if not will try to get someone else
  • Display: (Dave Jones COPS) - will be available Tuesday - Thursday: Interactions during breaks and reception
  • Meeting Highlights - to advertise the activities going on at the meeting - Bill: Short description by the end of the week

Bill to confirm with Randy Johnson as speaker and to send Erin a brief description about the meeting activities.

Teng, B.; Hoebelheinrich, N.; Agclimate telecon 2014-12-02; Telecon Minutes. ESIP Commons , December 2014