Information Quality Cluster - Use Case Analysis - Working Session


The goals of the Information Quality Cluster (IQC) as expressed in the Strategic Plan are:

  • Bring together people from various disciplines to assess aspects of quality of Earth science data
  • Establish and publish baseline of standards and best practices for data quality for adoption by inter-agency and international data providers
  • Build framework for consistent capture, harmonization, and presentation of data quality for the purposes of climate change studies, Earth science and applications

Moving towards these goals, the IQC has been collecting use cases to help identify issues and analyze them to arrive at recommendations for improvements in capturing, describing, enabling discovery and facilitating use of data quality information. The purpose of this session is to focus on analysis of several use cases. The number of use cases analyzed will depend on the attendance at the session and the number of breakout groups that can be formed.

K., H.; Moroni, D.; Peng, G.; Information Quality Cluster - Use Case Analysis - Working Session; Winter Meeting 2016. ESIP Commons , March 2016