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Summer Meeting Recap: Definition of Sustainable Software

The ESIP 2014 summer meeting's theme was "Linking It Together: Sustainable Software Advancing Science Data and Services"

From our view, a focus on software sustainability is meant to address challenges related to the development,...

Top 5 FAQ's about the ESIP Testbed - Request for Proposals out!

The ESIP Products and Services Committee with the ESIP Testbed Configuration Board are seeking proposals for innovative, collaborative projects that demonstrate technology, build upon research, test out protocols, standards, etc., or… what is...

Introduction to the 2014 ESIP Student Fellows - Part II!

ESIP Student Fellows are a group of graduate students that are interested in working in cross-discipline activities that further the development of Earth science technologies that improve the flow of data...

ESIP Meetings, Juggling and Deadlines

The ESIP Federation has become the go-to place for tackling Earth science data and technical challenges. One area where this is particularly evident is at the ESIP meetings – the breadth and number of sessions proposed, the increasing and diverse...

Introduction to the 2014 ESIP Student Fellow!

ESIP Student Fellows are a group of graduate students that are interested in working in cross-discipline activities that further the development of Earth science technologies that improve the flow of data...

ESIP Commons Ignite Talk at #CreativeCommons10 Triangle Party

On Dec. 12, Erin Robinson presented at the Triangle Creative Commons 10-Year Celebration. It was a great opportunity to understand how the CC license, built into the ESIP Commons, really liberates the knowledge generated by the ESIP community. A...