johannambozuwa's blog

Hello World! Round Two for Johanna

Hello World! Round Two with the Education Committee

My name is Johanna Bozuwa, and I am a second year ESIP Fellow. I’m very excited to be on board again this year with the Education Committee! Last year we taught teachers how to use drones in their places of education, and this year we are taking on ten minute talks that can act as learning lunches for teachers.

​The UN Must Take Climate Change Education and Empowerment Seriously

I recently attended the UN climate change talks, COP 22, in Marrakech as a part of Climate Generation's delegation to work on the importance of education, training and capacity building. 
But why does it matter? In this highly technical negotiation space, why should Education be on the agenda of an international climate change conference?

Collective Impact: Reaching Across Boundaries in Climate Education

Collective Impact: Reaching Across Boundaries in Climate Education

Over the past few months, the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) has been ramping up discussion about how we can effectively scale change in climate literacy through collective action.

Attack of the Drones: UAVs in Education

Attack of the Drones

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away drones took over the Grand Ballroom. An ominous buzz filled the room as the drones zoomed, gained altitude, and spun into unknowing bystanders. The room was tense with anticipation, as those present wondered what the Attack of the Drones meant for the Galactic Empire.

Time to Accelerate: Moving Technology by Looking at Innovation Systems

As a Masters student studying Sustainable Business and Innovation, I tend to have more of a policy and social sciences perspective compared to my other student fellows. I see this as a complement to their important work. Many of those engaged with ESIP are interested in evolving methods and technologies to best provide earth science data and tackle the vital issues of today. This goal resonates with my recent research on how to help accelerate technological innovation. Thus far, a few papers stand out for their systems-thinking based analysis.