Education Committee meeting
Education Committee Meeting
Good year for Education Committee - we accomplished quite a lot.
We still have some funds available from the 2011 budget.
NSTA travel covered - we're sponsoring two 'Sharathons', have a table for CLEAN Pathways.
- One issue is lack of internet access at NSTA, as most of our resources are online. We need to determine how well connected NSTA will be at future locations, so we don't plan a demo we can't run.
NSTA travel covered - we're sponsoring two 'Sharathons', have a table for CLEAN Pathways.
- Teacher workshop planned for Summer meeting. There will be space for 20-30 teachers.
Bruce leaving the Education Chair, Becky taking up the crown.
- Vice-Chair needed. Mexia Denge and Duane volunteer - ballots cast on paper and online
- Vice-Chair will be Mexia
- Ming-Ying: NASA announcement on OSS initiative. App challenge in the works. Working to revamp the GLOW program, for a relaunch in the spring.
Tamara: We can all pilot activities within ESiP, a friendly knowledgeable group of people.
- Need to start expanding the CLEAN pathways within ESiP, and leverage more of our expertise.
Bruce: Finding pictures limited.
- Access projects to enhance/improve/prototype data tools
- Ming-Ying: Collaboration grants to bring research to education, added to the end of a completed grant.
- Lin: Funding picture for Climate Education project depends on other funding, perhaps decision by March.
Margaret: Formal thanks to NOAA for supporting teacher workshops.
- Thanks back for feedback on climate portal from teacher focus group. Would like to see more of this collaboration.
- We could do one every summer meeting.
- Bruce: Soliciting good ideas for the workshops. Earlier is better for planners.
- Tamara: Perhaps hit the tri-agency listserv and troll for new ESiP members.
- Bruce: FUNding Friday ideas for summer
- Becky: Telecon time may change, will send out poll.
Key Take-aways
- ESIP will have a presence at the NSTA in Indianapolis.
- NASA education gave a report on new initiatives and is looking to work with the Federation in the future.
- The new ESIP internal education working group is getting off the ground this year.
- The NOAA sponsored Summer Meeting workshops are being planned.
- The education telecons will be rescheduled (new time TBD).
- Meixia Deng won the election to be vice chair.
- The Climate Education working group had a very successful digital tools session, and hopes to repeat this at the Summer Meeting
Submitted by superadmin on 2012-02-01 14:33.