Preservation Planning
We will review status of the various active activities in the cluster and discuss future plans. Those activities include: Data Stewardship Principles, Preservation Use Cases, Identifiers, Citations, Provenance and Context Content Standard, and Preservation Ontology.
Data Stewardship Principles
- Principles baseline (Ruth/Rama)
- Governance -- new charge from Assembly to maintain the document
- What about the 'will'?
Data Citations
- Guidelines baseline (Mark)
- Governance -- new charge from Assembly to maintain the document
- Outreach
- Data Identifiers
- Data identifiers paper published (Ruth)
- Testbed (Nancy)
- NASA ESDIS DOI initiative (John Moses)
- NASA GCMD DOI metadata field (Tyler)
- NOAA DOI initiative? (Jeff DLB)
- Identifiers for other preservation related artifacts?
- Linking with other related?
Provenance and Context Content Standard (PCCS)
- Status (Rama)
- NASA specification (Rama)
- Baseline? Plans?
Preservation Use Cases
- How to organize/develop these? (Curt)
Preservation Ontology
- Concept mapping (Hook)
- other ontologies to link into
Key Topics
Newly Created Data Preservation Committee, Curt is the new chair of the committee
- Charged with Data Citation and Data Stewardship documents maintainace
- Ruth’s Identifiers paper publish in Earth Science Informatics
ESIP Assembly voted to create the Data Stewardship Committee
ESIP Assembly charged the new committee with maintaining the Data Stewardship and Data Citation Documents.
- There is a need to publicize, suggested on ESIP Commons.
- The guidelines aren’t mandates, they can be adopted or used piecemeal
Updating the documents is a source of uncertainty
- Take major revisions to full Assembly not just committee
- How often to modify?-Suggested an annual review statement in doc
- Outreach for making documents known.
Publicize documnets through members own networks
- Press release and/or EOS-like article
PCCS needs to be made implementable, this is through an ontology that is independent of person/project/etc.
- Things to do: needs concrete, unambiguous vocabulary
Possible Action Items Mark Parsons and Ruth Duerr work on news release drafts for Data Citation and Data Preservation Guidelines nad BEst Practices Documents
Submitted by superadmin on 2012-02-01 13:35.