Research Data Alliance (RDA): Partnerships in Research Data Exchanges
The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is an international organization that implements the technology, practice, and connections that make data work across barriers. At its first Plenary in March 2013, the RDA was launched by sponsors from the European Commission, the U. S. and the Australian Government and and leaders in the data community. The Plenary was marked by 3 days of presentations, working sessions and informal discussions aimed at increasing the data sharing and exchange needed to drive global data exchanges.
In this session we will build upon the great interactions that happened during the RDA session at the Winter 2013 ESIP meeting and the success of the first RDA Plenary and demonstrate RDA progress and change. The session will begin with an update on RDA and its Working and Interest Groups (WIGs). Through a moderated discussion we will engage the audience in topics of interest, including incorporating products and activities of RDA WIGs into ESIP partner organizations and building the foundation for productive partnerships and collaborations between RDA and ESIP members.
- Mark Parsons (WebEx)
- Rebecca Koskela
- Ruth Duerr
Link to the notes document
- Presentations
- Q&A
- Discussion
Goals / Outcomes:
- increased participation in existing WGs
- new working or interest groups
- a roadmap for ESIP affiliate organizational partnership (based on criteria from RDA)
- designated liaisons between RDA WIGs and ESIP clusters or committees
- Update on RDA (structure, current activities, future plans and meetings)
- Update on WIGs
- Metadata Working Group
- Overlap between RDA and ESIP (people, areas of overlap, benefits, potential challenges)
Collaborations between ESIP and RDA
- How can two organizations be helpful to one another?