Event-driven data delivery (ED3), aggregation, and processing is being used to automate the access and processing of data for situational awareness in a hazardous event that could potentially become a disaster. The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), is refining the utility of the ED3 functionality for response to coastal hazards. ED3 is in the process of being integrated with decision support systems, used by NASA SERVIR and state agencies in Alabama, to help define the capabilities that will best suit the end users for a variety of disaster events. This poster depicts the ED3 system and its usage in the NGCHC coastal hazards collaboratory. This use case involves tropical storm events that trigger data collection and subsequent workflow. The workflow processes and prepares data for a situational awareness and visualization tool. The tool will allow more rapid decisions based on possible conditions, which could help mitigate the effects of coastal hazards. The reusability and flexibility of the components in ED3 allow for its applicability in various hazardous events and in support of multiple decision support systems and end users.