Drupal Working Group Meeting
This will be the official meeting for the Drupal Working Group, with chair elections and discussions for the next year.
We will be soliciting demos and other Drupal content for this meeting (stay tuned to this site)!
Need to craft a statement of purpose
DrupalCon(who is going). There is funding to send 2 people
Summer meeting is bigger for this group
Need to identify "expert" to bring in for summer meeting
Intro to Drupal working group Wiki
Monthly telecons have experts from leading Drupal companies (host videos on YouTube)
Last summer's Funding Friday's idea
System for tracking issues for scientific use of drupal
User Stories:
-fixing a bug, in the prototype
-asking for a new feature
-looking for help
-pulling from drupal.org or github
-Where? esipfed.org or scienceondrupal.org
-use a distribution? eg. Open Atrium
Other ideas or suggestions
How to move this forward?
-need to identify users/needs
-do survey to identify
NASA internal code sharing (can give presentation at summer meeting)
-register for URS gets access
Other thoughts for summer meeting
-prototype of tracker presented
-success stories from within ESIP group
questions on plone to drupal migration at NASA group
-having more difficulty with getting scientist to tell what they need than problems with drupal
various discussions
Any requests for Telecon presenters
-thematic requests
-experts requests
-have had some good sematic web talks
-talk about when NOT to use drupal
-volunteer to give presentation on work based on LTER
-volunteer to give presentation on "DAC in a box" work
David and Adam at co-chairs (by Bruce)
No other nominations
David and Adam are elected co-chairs.
Discussion on the scope of the group, should it be widened to include other content management systems?
Presentation Idea