Addressing Disaster Response System User Needs and Priorities - Part II


A follow up session to continue discussion of data and information intensive systems supporting disaster response and awareness that started in 2013 Summer Meeting. This session (Part II) will focus on engagement of the community,  development of a systematic plan for collaboration to address what we learn from Part I, and to facilitate ongoing end-user needs and technology assessment for disaster response data systems.




Ana Prados/UMBC, "Methods and Techniques for End-user Needs Assessment within the Context of Program Evaluation" (3.1 MB pptx)


Ana Prados Presentation:

Methods and techniques for end-user needs assessment within the context of program evaluation

Decision makers are the target of the ARSET program

Air Quality, flooding, more...

Use a gradual learning approach, basic courses, advanced courses

Use NASA/NOAA Data, user data

1000+ end-users reached

Current tools:

-course application form

-interviews with key informants

-post course surveys, immediate and 6 month

-ad hoc interviews/interactions to collect "success stories"

-motivations for evaluation (better results, improve value to stakeholders, more)

-interviews done by professional evaluator (outside of NASA)

-interviewees help design survey

-a lot of institutional barriers

ARSET Program Surveys

Q: how do you get surveys through OMB in a timely manner

A: OMB lets them use them while in the evaluation process

-don't obsess over metrics

-Rather, we measure change in the steps needed to achieve desired outcomes

-Elements: Demographics, number of users, country, what are the most useful tools, etc...

Examples of survey responses.....

Barriers (even after taking course):

-Data suitability, technical capacity, training needs


Q: is there something in this approach that ESIP can adopt.

A: would be a good tool for getting feedback and documenting success stories

Q: How do you decide which programs to include in the training

A: Focus on the data in the DAACs , should have broad applicability,

Q: Do you see any patterns that are useful for deploying disaster response systems

A: Not enough information collected yet that is specific to disasters (ex. LANCE).  

Cluster Discussion:

Online Google Docs survey

Frank: It would be helpful to have a cluster for getting support for activities

(SDR subcommittee on disaster reduction) CEOSS (flood data products) 

Benefits of the cluster discussion / how would it work?

Need to do:
Identify needs patterns of end users
Disaster types mapped to end user communities
Architecture types for working with data
Assessment of other organizations doing similar/related work





Fill out Google Docs survey

Moe, K.; Law, E.; Addressing Disaster Response System User Needs and Priorities - Part II; Winter Meeting 2014. ESIP Commons , October 2013