Next steps for the Data Stewardship Committee’s Use Case Activity: Discussion and brainstorming session


At the 2013 fall AGU meeting, through a Funding Friday grant, the Data Stewardship Committee hosted a town hall along with the Data Study group.  This session will recap the results of the town hall session in relation to the use case activities, discuss next steps both within ESIP and outward, and discuss the development of a publication or white paper about the work.  Next steps within the ESIP community include creating more use cases or developing guidelines for how potential users would apply them.  Background information about the use cases can be found on the DSC wiki:  At the 2013 Summer meeting ( attendees created additional use cases but there are still many more needed to complete the list.  Outward efforts would involve engaging the user community based on the outcomes of the town hall session.  Possible methods will be discussed.


This session was condensed and combined with the ES-PROV session.  The long version of the session slides are attached, but a brief presentation was given and those interested were asked to attend the poster session and bring comments and ideas there.

PDF icon Next steps for DSC Use case.pdf144.37 KB
Ramdeen, S.; Next steps for the Data Stewardship Committee’s Use Case Activity: Discussion and brainstorming session; Winter Meeting 2014. ESIP Commons , November 2013