The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN, http://cleanet.org) is stewarding a growing collection of currently 580+ annotated climate and energy science education resources for educators and students in grades 6-16. These resources, which include classroom activities, visualizations, videos, and laboratory demonstrations/ experiments, are rigorously reviewed for scientific accuracy, pedagogical effectiveness, and technical quality, and are aligned with the Climate Literacy Essential Principles of Climate Science, the Energy Literacy Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts in Environmental Education, and AAAS Project 2061 Benchmarks for Science Literacy. They will soon be aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards.
The CLEAN Collection has been syndicated to NOAA’s Climate.gov portal, appearing in the Teaching Climate section of that portal. In order to maintain the quality of the existing collection and the integrity of the review process NOAA has provided ongoing support for CLEAN Core activities. CLEAN can work in partnership with any group who would like their resources to be reviewed and become part of the CLEAN Collection.
The CLEAN Network provides a venue where professionally diverse climate and energy literacy stakeholders can share information, leverage their activities and extend their reach. We will describe how individuals and groups can participate in and take advantage of the CLEAN Network.