Prior to his time at NEON, Hank was formerly a research associate in the Department of Forest Science at Oregon State University, where he managed the network-level QA/QC lab for tower-based systems in the DOE-AmeriFlux network. Dr. Loescher attended the NEON technical evaluation meeting in Boulder as a Science Advisor. He earned his BA in Environmental Science from the State University of Vermont, and a Masters and Ph.D. in Forest Resources from the University of Florida. His research interests include determining the biotic and abiotic controls on ecosystem-level carbon and energy balance across spatial and temporal scales. Dr. Loescher has served as a panelist on the NSF Conceptual Design Review of NEON, a member of the Technical Review Committee, and as Chair of the Tower Systems Tiger Team.
Title | Updated date | Type |
LTAR-NEON Integration: A Conceptual Architecture | Monday, May 12, 2014 - 10:22 | Poster |