Use and Reuse: Research Data Locally and Globally


·         need to be clever about what to keep and what to toss

·         some organizations require the researcher to outline their data management

o   the EPSRC (engineering physical science research council) requires the institution to develop and implement data management

o   need to keep for 10 years after LAST USE

·         studies have showing high rate of return of investment (this is not financial return)

·         some government repositories are not as secure (ex. Canadian Science libraries) – but there are corporate organizations (like figshare)

o   national responses – supporting universities (ex. DataONE)

·         for data to be reusable, have to be able to find it

·         available data increases the number of citations

·         there are a lot of data centers – also repository finders

·         data storage can be viewed like treasure

File esip_20140108-ashley.pptx8.13 MB
Use and Reuse: Research Data Locally and Globally; Winter Meeting 2014. ESIP Commons , January 2014