Metadata Hack-A-Thon


Do you have unique data? Is it challenging to describe with the international standards? Are you planning on creating or using a different metadata standard than ISO 19115*? I challenge you to bring your stories and resources to this metadata hackathon and we will work together to figure out how to use the standard meaningfully.  


Metadata Hack-a-thon

Purpose is to collaborate & discuss – can break into groups

1)      DQ in 19157 - 6

2)      Relationship between provenance and ISO

3)      Utilization of metadata to facilitate DOI citations – 5

4)      HTML displays of metadata leveraging tags (crosswalking tags to ISO metadata) - 14

5)      xlinks in metadata to linked open data terms - 6

6)      generation of metadata from domain specific databases: questions, approaches? – 2

7)      web applications for exploring metadata (hyperlink trees, cross referencing, discovery)

8)      web services that provide metadata

9)      systems and protocols for exchanging metadata

10)  geographic representation of metadata, drilldown capability (#4)


·         how do you add a temporal tag to your dataset – tag your html that says this is a then add attributes to it

·         trying to look at “dataset”…

o   properties are : catalog, distribution, spatial, and temporal

·         example by Stephan Zednik using opendap with schema

·         use is to make your data more discoverable through google

·         maybe follow up on the semantic cluster


xlinks in metadata to linked open data terms (#5)

·         can change to anchor tag

·         the content can still be human readable

·         what if something like used these anchor

·         example has individual where position is listed

·         care should be taken in how to make it (Christine White)

·         for peoples – this would be a good way to disambiguate names – like an orchid ID

o   currently use component and reuse these

·         Cindy - make xlinks between potentially related resources and uuid

o   Any tools that can use iso metadata – would be better if iso used unique identifier


DOI citations (#3)

·         At NOAA, every time we mint a DOI there has to be a robust record associated with it.  Potential can use the metadata to automatically mint the doi – 4 tests –


o   Creator, pub year, title, publishers

o   Then have a landing page to help describe the dataset more


File MetadataHack-a-Thon.docx7.94 KB
Metadata Hack-A-Thon; Summer Meeting 2014. ESIP Commons , April 2014