CWICSmart, IDN and CWIC - The CWIC OpenSearch Best Practices


CWIC OpenSearch Best Practices

Where we describe what is 'under the hood' with respect to using IDN and CWIC to discover data using OpenSearch

  • Parameter extension
  • Two-step searching

CwicSmart and other OpenSearch APIs

Where we describe the challenges of extending CwicSmart to work with other OpenSearch implementations such as ESA, HyDRO and Mirador


CWIC Open Search

CWIC: CEOS WGISS Integrated Catalog

Why OpenSearch?
-Lightweight and simple
-Low entry cost

Working example:
CWICSmart + IDN Opensearch + CWIC Opensearch = :)

Discussion of CWIC Best Practices
-Conform to Open Search and OGC Specs
-Take ideas from ESIP Best Practices
-Add their own recommendations

Search steps
-User finds datasets of interest (e.g. MODIS)
-User finds granules of interest (spatial & temporal filters)
-User previews granules
-User downloads granules

-A programmatic OpenSearch Client

-Dataset search: specify search terms, bounding box, start & end time in form fields
-Granule search: bounding box, start & end times
-Can search using other APIs

Tyler Stevens

IDN OpenSearch
-Designed to support both browser integration and API implementers interested in including IDN/GCMD in distributed searches
-Discussion of highlights

Discussion of IDN OpenSearch Parameters
-searchTerms, Pagination, Geo, Date, Output (HTML, ATOM, RSS, CSV), Portal

Discussion of IDN OpenSearch CWIC additions
-Client ID (metrics)
-Optional Secondary OSD
-Parameter Extension
-Pagination Support

Flow diagram of CWIC OpenSearch API

Interaction Diagram of CWIC OpenSearch API
Client > IDN > OpenSearch Mediator > Connector > Data Provider

Discussion of CWIC Best Practices
-Client ID
-OpenSearch Parameter Extension
-Spatial and Temporal Extension
-Navigational Links

Granule Search request and response examples


Why All This Is Awesome
-Widely adopted standard
-Extremely easy to use
-Implementation time of OpenSearch API or client is small (2 months)
-Linkage btw data providers is easy to achieve
-CEOS OpenSearch best practices are robust as proven by CWICSmart

What Next
-Getting other APIs working with CwicSmart
-Increasing granule precision by temporal and spatial ranking
-Faceted search

Fun Fact: OpenSearch was created within ESIP!

Newman, D.; CWICSmart, IDN and CWIC - The CWIC OpenSearch Best Practices; Summer Meeting 2014. ESIP Commons , April 2014