ag climate cluster meeting notes June 2014


(Erin) Debrief on LTAR meeting in Nunn, CO (end of May)
Meeting took place at a research station

  • M. McGuire - big data challenges - collecting more data a lot of the same challenges from other domains across earth sciences
  • Sally Snyder - the need for ag and climate resource
  • Justin Derner  hosting site that is in the northern plains experimental group (how people are doing applied research within the communities)
  • connection with NEON (Brian Wee was also there)

Brian speaks about- 

  •  struggle to decide what the science questions are that the network wants to address 
  •  important fundamental questions that need to be addressed before data issues are discussed formally
  • mentions David Rugg - Forest service / National Ag Library
  • Importance of geographical scaling with data

LifeCycle Assessment
Programatic meeting - but it was remarkable how many times they brought up data
August meeting will be more devoted to data

NOAA and USGS have hubs around the country that interested in connecting with these efforts

Bill - talk with Randy Johnson - Regional Hub efforts - early stages

  • Finalizing preparation for Cluster session at ESIP Summer 2014 Meeting, Copper Mtn/Frisco, CO (Session proposal and title)

speakers are coming together - both Mark and Justin should be able to attend

  • Invited speaker Mark Walbridge (USDA ARS LTAR) (~confirmed)
  • Justin Derner (~confirmed) on USDA Regional Climate Hubs, with focus on Northern Plains Region
  • Short presentations on relevant NASA data
  • Barry Weiss on SMAP and other data products
  • 30 minutes at the end: identifying satellite resources that may be useful from these missions - with Mark and Justin
  • SMAP - early adopter program participants will be there - may be able to talk about making connections (Barry and Justin)
  • Summer Meeting session will start at 3:15

Erin mentions Climate Data initiative is going to have a Agricultural /Food Sustainability focus
Nancy mentions contact: Brian Duggan who has worked with Curt Tilmes

Visioneers and ESIP 2015 Winter Meeting
Draft title: Data and services for mitigating and adapting to climate effects in agriculture


  • Bill asks for any other suggestions on title for the Winter Meeting 
  • Erin reminds that there is a call this Monday at 2pm EST

Concurrent Initiatives at different levels:Climate Data Initiative - USDA - LTAR - goal to provide single entry for users

Attendees: Erin Robinson, Reid Boehm, Bill Teng, Boksoon Myoung, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, (1 other call in users unidentified) Brian Wee

  • Next meeting will be the summer meeting session in July in Colorado
ag climate cluster meeting notes June 2014; Telecon Minutes. ESIP Commons , June 2014