Supported by ESIP’s Semantic Web cluster, ToolMatch (http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/ToolMatch) is intended to be a service based on community-built semantic web applications that will provide data users with the means to match their datasets with a comprehensive list of useful, appropriate tools, and also provide data tool developers with datasets or data collections that will work with their tools. Also as part of the design of the service, the Semantic Web cluster is working in collaboration with the ESIP Energy & Climate Cluster to explore the integration of the ToolMatch service with its Decision Support Tools Catalog and Community of Practice: DSTCCP (http://dstccp.esipfed.org/esip/). The proposed solution for the initial two use cases is to provide a web based service that will have, at its foundation, a simple ontology and set of rules that will describe what kinds of tools work with what kinds of datasets. A semantic representation of known tools (instance data) will be added to the ToolMatch knowledge base so that, in the first use case, when information about a set of data is proffered by a ToolMatch user, RDF triples will be generated to represent that data, inferencing will be run against the model, and a set of tools can be generated that will work with that data. Initial launching of the ToolMatch service is scheduled for September 30th, 2014 as part of the ESIP Products & Services Testbed.