Global Hydrology Resource Center


Established in 1991, the Global Hydrology Resource Center Distributed Active Archive Center (GHRC DAAC) is a NASA Earth science data center managed jointly by the Earth Science Department at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center and the University of Alabama in Huntsville’s Information Technology and Systems Center. GHRC is a full-service science data center, performing data ingest, processing, archive, cataloging, documentation, distribution and user services. GHRC is a member of national and international data organizations including the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners, NASA’s Earth Science Data and Information System, and the International Council for Science (ICSU) World Data System.  The GHRC is organized thematically around climate and water & energy cycle science expertise.   The Center ingests, processes, archives and distributes data related to these themes, including global lightning data from NASA and DoD satellites as well as ground-based lightning detection networks; long term climate data records from numerous passive microwave instruments; and airborne and ground based observations from hurricane science field campaigns and Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Ground Validation experiments. 

The mission of the GHRC is

  • To serve as NASA’s Earth science data stewards for scientific, educational, commercial and governmental communities, with a focus on Severe Weather data including lightning, precipitation, hurricanes and other severe storms, and the global hydrologic cycle.   
  • To provide knowledge augmentation services encompassing tools, infrastructure, user support, and expertise to our stakeholders.
Collaboration Area: