Drupal Lab - Part 2

9:00 Maps & Data Visualization in Drupal by Brandon Morrison aka brandonian
 If creating awesome mapping UIs is one of your needs, wants or desires. do not miss Brandon Morrison of Phase II Technology as he discusses Maps in Drupal as well as other data visualization techniques.
10:00 Lightning Talks
 - Linked Data by Adam Shepherd
 - Data Visualization by Inigo San Gil
These 15-min talks will introduce two topics for the 11am working groups.
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Working Groups
Based on the mornings presentations, we will split up into working groups to study and implement techniques on the following topics:
 - Maps
 - Data Visualization
 - Linked Data
2:00 Working Groups & Code Sprints
So you wanted to attend more than one working group? Now is your chance as we will rotate the groups if necessary. Otherwise, spend this time discussing your Drupal pain points with others in search of viable solutions.

Brandon Morrison on Data Viz and Mapping in Drupal for Fun and Profit

Slides: http://fillerwriter.github.io/esip-mapping/#/
Google Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AiFHcZ3I1B4qJuAnvpMAiPgolv3g1i9qy720...
You can follow Brandon on Twitter at @fillerwriter: https://twitter.com/fillerwriter

ESIP Summer Meeting 2014 Twitter Feed: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23ESIPFed&src=typd
Photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.732357430143869.1073741827.150...

Shepherd, A.; Bassendine, D.; Drupal Lab - Part 2; Summer Meeting 2014. ESIP Commons , June 2014