Preservation and Stewardship Committee Telecon 2013-09-04
ESIP budget request
RDA collaboration liaison report out
Subgroup activities report outs (see document and telecon list)
Use Case Activity
Data Collection Structure
Data Management Training
Data Stewardship Principles
Preservation Ontology
Physical Object Preservation
Data Decadal Survey
- Planning for winter meeting
Ruth - now that we’re a committee, we can make budget requests. These are due ASAP. Did anyone have suggestions?
-Possibly fund some DMT assessment?
Bob - how would the money work for reviews of the modules?
Nancy H - What we have talked about at summer meeting:
-anything we can do to augment/supplement promotion of the courses? (e.g., tagging, organization) (in conjunction with with their speicifications to make them easier to find)
-some work done with colleague -> depends on what our instance of Drupal, make need to make some changes to submissions/etc of markup of pages
-so what this means in terms of funding - maybe some support for developers
Bob - does this mean data entry?
Nancy H - some hand-tagging, but also changes into what Drupal markup is doing
Erin - Drupal is linked to -> means our drupal site is now crawlable by engines that use
Nancy H - still need to check for validation (e.g., Google tool that does this) Initial work shows that some of it works, but some doesn’t
Erin - wouldn’t pay Drupal developer to add metadata, but rather rely on committee to do that
Ruth - is this then an issue of proper key words? So, what exactly needs to be done?
Nancy H - long discussion, might be better for a sub-meeting
Nancy H - may not need funding for a drupal developer, but may need some other funding. Should be explored??
Ruth - not clear that a specific proposal needed just yet?
Nancy H - another idea about promoting DMT training. Suggestion to make a promotional product about the courses (e.g., like the NASA DOI trifold)
Denise - need an estimate on volume/number of these in order to get estimate
Erin - we’d need to get a few bids, then go forward
Ruth - other ideas that may need funding?
Erin - funding has some restrictions; generally not someone’s time - more for deliverables, possible travel to a meeting, etc…
Rama - possible to support 1 person to attend AGU,RDA present a paper?
Anne - how to represent our group?
Rama - paper would be one important aspect
Denise - good idea, but look beyond AGU,RDA for other meetings
Erin - catering will be at IGNITE, etc
Erin - budgeting is for FY14 (about Nov/Dec 13 -> onward)
Ruth - next RDA in DC, but the following is in Dublin. May be harder for someone to attend
Bob - can we not specify a meeting? Leave it more general?
Erin - another caveat - must tie into supporting ESIP’s strategic plan; what are the benefits of an activity?
Rama - maybe ID a selection of possibilities, and then narrow it as dates come closer.
What other organizations might be useful?
Nancy H - ECDL (library/archive group - getting more and more data-specific topics)
Rama - a couple of years ago there was a meeting run by NIFSTo (riginally US, now international) on preservation, standards, etc
Bob - IPRES is another organization
Need to tap someone to write the proposal for the DMT part - Nancy H
Lead on travel funding request? - Bob (lead), Rama and Denise will help
RDA Subgroup Liasons
Anne -Identifiers Working Group. Nothing to report, but will report back in a month
Ruth - Citations Group. Interesting group. Coming up with a draft set of principles. Pointing them to ESIP stuff that has been done. Also looking at the CODATA working group on the same topic. Working on getting things together with the upcoming Plenary
We need to review the notes to ID the other liasons
Other activity plans
What’s up? What’s the plan?
-Collection Structure - unsure what’s happening with this, as no one here was on the last call
-PCCS papers calls need to be scheduled - Rama will send out Doodle Poll for both papers
Need to push forward on both of these.
-Identifiers - some talk of papers, but happening “behind the scenes”
-Citations - we have our guidelines; we have not had anyone request something that doesn’t fit these guidelines. Working with RDA to push this activity forward. May not need additional work by ESIP at the moment, but should keep in on the radar in case issues are ID’d and for the occasional review.
-DDS - telecon tmw for those interested; draft of opinion piece to publish in EOS. Some positive feedback to get funding for possible workshop. Moving forward!