Preservation and Stewardship Committee Telecon 2014-02-14
PCCS dissemination:
Science article - any news?
D-Lib article - status
EOS article?
Feedback on Identifiers Testbed Report or setting deadline for feedback (to Nancy)
[Executive Summary page with links to full paper:]
Data citations status
IDCC meeting - names and logos please!
Force 11 principles status
Force 11 implementators group starting up
Data Management training
Brochures for IDCC meeting
Telecon series
- Planning for summer meeting
PCCS dissemination:
No news on PCCS Science article. Denise will contact editors.
Will BCC all the co-authors in correspondence
D-Lib article - Bob downs did some work today; Ruth has started working on it now; might be ready for broader review by next telecon; will set up telecon with just the authors to decide about readiness for broader review
Additional article - for a different audience - EOS article - talk about the PCCS purpose, use cases and why keeping information is important, emphasize that NASA has made it a requirement now; based on science need, etc. interested authors - Bob D., Rama, Denise, Ruth, Steve,
Steve - preservation implementation at DAACs - we are collecting info on how they are currently doing it - Ruth - could be a good contribution to the EOS article; i.e., tie in would be in terms of describing how the PCCS components are being implemented [putting the PCCS ‘to work’] by NASA data centers, thus emphasizing significance of PCCS components, and be examples for other science data centers.
Bruce - concern about software obsolescence can be written up based on experience with 20 year old software; Ruth - would be good use case article that Bruce could write on his own; Bruce - should include something in the EOS article about learning curves on software tools
Denise - interested in publishing physical object extension of PCCS somewhere based on AGU presentation; demonstrate it is a great start for others as well -> does anyone have a suggestion of a potential journal? e.g., a more specific audience than the EOS or the Science article, but broader than the NASA community
Feedback on Identifiers testbed report
DOI Testbed Report (Nancy H. might have difficulty making these calls.) - Ruth’s assessment of the report is that it is in good shape and is near-ready for prime time with very little additional work. Could be published in Earth Science Informatics where the identifiers’ paper by Duerr et al was published
Data Citations
Data citations - Ruth attending conference as panelist; will talk about ESIP data citation guidelines; also talk about ESIP organizations that are implementing them; Force 11 group is trying to finalize responses to comments that were received on their principles; that group has now started a new group called “implementers’ group”;
Data Management Training
Nancy has started a separate series of telecons;
We have as set of brochures (Carol should send brochures to Ruth to carry to IDCC meeting); IDCC conference is full; will need as many brochures as we took to the AGU; may be ~200; Ruth leaving a week from next Monday.
DMT - we had 100 proposed topics, 50 went through first draft; 35 actually published; some are becoming out of date already; need to figure out what more needs to be done
Collection Structure Breakout report
Bruce - Received no comments from the group on the report; have done light editing and put it in; what are basic building blocks (objects in an archive; physical and digital; separate metadata question from data containers; taxonomy); how do we inventory accounting for the objects; will submit slides as pdf document; uniqueness and scientific equivalence of data; proposed to have two papers to which people can contribute; will provide basic outline; accounting and inventory topics would be good for the Data Science journal; Bob Downs - packaging itself should have an identifier associated with it and be inventoried; Ruth will make some updates to the notes from the Winter EISP meeting breakout session
Summer ESIP Meeting
We should start thinking about the Summer ESIP meeting; hard cutoff on session submissions is April 13th.