Data Stewardship Committee Planning Session


What once was the Preservation and Stewardship cluster is now a full-fledged committee with responsibilities to the larger ESIP community. In this session we will review the status of our ongoing activities and set the path forward for the next six months.


Meeting notes:

Everyone made brief introductions to the group.

Updates (From Curt):

Thanks for coming on Friday morning

Please be sure to sign up on the listserv

The meeting times for the telecons are not really working well for everyone.  We will try and come to a consensus for a new time.  We can set up a doodle poll – Sarah will take the lead on that issue.  4pm 1st Wednesday is not really optimal.

The Wiki needs updating – Sarah is going to help us out with the Stewardship and Preservation of the wiki as well.  The area on the bottom left – Activities is the more important part of the page. 


There were key members who worked on standards and best practices, and these will be moved in to the commons.  There is a group working on how to best move them and how to get people to use and access these materials.  So please look at these materials and make sure they are aligned with your own archives and if there are things that should be change, that is a discussion for the listserve and telecons.  Voted on at the winter meeting and granted support by ESIP.

Identifiers – Ruth started an activity which Nancy and Greg has taken part in, and the results were published in a peer reviewed article, so please use, cite and push these recommendations.  Nate mentioned that NASA has gotten on board with this and has been working with getting DOIs.

Ruth and Curt have been talking about next steps and issues with this process.  We need to move on to the next steps with identifiers.

Rama, John and Curt have worked on the Provenance and context standards and would like to see other people involved in that standard and broaden the view on it.  Rama is solicitation support on that.  NASA is working on its own review on that as a specification to use on new missions.  In the PCCS, identifiers is one section of this, but it goes in to great details and it says what is important and you should keep them, but not known to identifier and how you should keep them.  So if you are identifying people, software, projects, what are the appropriate identifiers and metadata?  There is a need for use cases – what types of information do they need to know and why?  W3C has a provenance working group – about to issue a standard for web provenance, we would like to look at that standard for general provenance.  The possibility of an earth science extension on this standard, with specifics to algorithms and ancillary input. 

Preservation Ontology – how to build it and what terms do we use in the semantic web to communicate and do interoperability between groups.  So many of us have archives but we also rely on gathering data between these groups and connecting these metadata sets will go a long way for this.  The w3C standard is a good first step, but we need to focus on what we need to know for Earth Sciences.

This was an overview of the major areas on the wiki that the group has been working on and would like to see what the group would like to see done next or as the communities, what we can be working?


The group discussed updates on the progress with Identifiers and possible next steps.

Updates on current projects:

Data Identifiers – we have the paper and the test bed

Citations has been blessed and there is not any new work going on there, (Curt – half but not all done, we have data providers and archives but not data users.)

OCCS is going along

Data Stewardship is stable

There are not a lot of activities and it is time to develop new activities.


Preservation guidelines for users was recommended as a new activity as well as a project on data citations.

Ruth will lead a project which will continue the work done on the identifiers project, Anna, Denise and Curt volunteered to work on this as well.

Tilmes, C.; Duerr, R.; Data Stewardship Committee Planning Session; Summer Meeting 2012. ESIP Commons , July 2012