This training module is part of the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (or ESIP Federation's) Data Management for Scientists Short Course. The subject of this module is "Providing Access to Data". The module was authored by Matthew Mayernik from the National Center for Atmospheric Research. Besides the ESIP Federation, sponsors of this Data Management for Scientists Short Course are the Data Conservancy and the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
In this module, we will talk about how you can provide access to your data. Arguing that data should be openly available and why that is important, we’ll discuss funding agency requirements for making data available and accessible with a focus upon United States Government agencies. We’ll ask the question, who has responsibility for providing access to your data? Despite the diagram’s indication on this slide, it is individuals who need to take responsibility for providing access to their own data in various ways. To help you follow through on that responsibility, we’ll talk generally about the challenges involved in making data accessible.
Local Data Management: Providing Access to Your Data from ESIPFed on Vimeo.