Geoportal Surgery: Getting into the guts to support new protocols


Many organizations have been or are planning on using the Esri Geoportal Server ( software for their own data distribution, metadata validation, and protocol-based brokering.  The geoportal software is highly customizable. In this session, you can get experience on how to do custom configurations.  We will open up the geoportal configuration files, walk through them, discuss what's involved for adding support for different protocols, and more. You can follow along with your own copy of the web application if desired.



·         From heterogeneous or non-traditional environment

·         Geoportal will change from ESRI management to community management of source code in the next few weeks

·         Marten wants to know what happens when you locate/download a granule

·         New release this past summer

·         Government mandate might change needs for metadata

o   Make api available and things will grow

o   Need to think beyond catalogue itself to adapt (to not become extinct)

o   Recommend book – The age of the Platform by Phil Simon

·         3 planks

o   AND

§  Some want human readable metadata

o   Swiss Army Knives (also called broker)

o   NCC1701

·         GEOportal

o   1st serach ArcGIS online… has been there all along

o   Able to create footprints of the items you create

o   Able to tap into these with geoportal

o   Some agencies have implemented ArcGIS portals (because of other requirements such as not being able to share some times)

o   NOAA did sometime different – NOAA’s geoplatform

§  Can turn this across and search from NOAA’s site (same results same data)

o   This is the power of AND step 1

·         There was a Geospatial one stop

o   When it retired and merged with it was focused on federal so some state content is not searchable anymore (includes zip and offline data not just services)

o   Every search on site also includes a search of this other things as a second set of results

o only include “approved results” but they are the same catalogue

·         Verbose metadata

o   Create something like a webpage, has link to formal data record

o   “weak link”…. Doesn’t exist – things go wrong

o   Using Indonesia NSDI DNN Portal project example

§  Can see content

§  Added “metadata” buttom.  It is a geoportal integration with ArcGIS portal

§  Creates metadata with geoportal metadata using an editor

§  Geoportal hates metadata – there is no index… it is all lifted from arcgis portal

o   Q Is this metadata harvested or uploaded manually?

§  One is upload your xml

§  Metadata actually goes to ArcGIS portal after you save – it is a placeholder

§  Using api, can read and write the metadata file

o   Q can you browser to the editor where the metadata is

§  No

o   Q if more complex query, use xpath

§  No – bound by ArcGIS portal search capabilities

§  If wanted to have more complex – you have to a parallel synchronized index

§  What he is demonstrating is synchronizing between ArcGIS portals

o   Want to publish once and harvest everywhere

§  Geoportal has been doing this for years

§  Fetch and harvest in different places

o   Q There is normally no editor for the harvested metadata.

§  Traditionally the editor was simple… edited elsewhere

o   Q Ted – missing difference between geoportal and ArcGIS server and ARcGIS online and arcgis portal

§  ArcGIS server is different

§  Geoportal

§  ArcGIS online

§  ArcGIS portal

§  (portal for ArcGIS)

o   Need to see esri as a platform – it is not just one thing – it is a lot of different thing

o   Start with bottom – content – can have your own, partners, others, public, esri… basement (map has footprints)

o   On content is technology layer – online, server, desktop, devices (sometimes not obvious that you are using technologies)

§  Create templates for data models, work flows – add new content and voila!

o   Q is there a plan to synergize the different api – to have a single REST

§  There is synchronizing going on

§  arcGIS server – servers, tools,

§  arcGIS online – serves metadata content – tool to author webmaps from arcGIS servers

o   Q if wanted to discover and generate the map – need 2 REST calls

§  Some things take more than 1 steps (certain workflows need more than one action)

o   Patterns – Geo-centric is a map view, geo-enriched looks at non-spatial data and adds spatial component, embedded is not realizing using – include services

o   Geoportal focuses on metadata and making metadata discoverable

o   arcGIS online = arcGIS portal

§  arcGIS online is an ESRI hosted service

o   with arcGIS online – you can upload your own data – ESRI hosts it but it is still your data

o   geoportal – create author and share metadata while arcGIS online creates maps and services

o   IssueMap is an api for arcGIS online

§  Example is uploading some basic data to create a map

§  “geojoin” to create a simple map by associating data with an existing service

§  It is a template app that is configurable

o   Swiss army knife

§  Christine – “I wish we could search DataOne through geoportal”

§  All things just have an interface

§  Q what protocol are you using to search data one

·         Can search through OneMercury tool – prob is it is a webpage but want the results from the search

§  If you want to do these things – need to have page with “this is our api…”… DataOne has this

§  Need to go into configuration file to this

§  There are search engines that exist – Rest, CSW

·         These are search engine classes that know to search

§  With REST or Http “get search” they will always be the same

§  In geo portal there is a place to set up your own profile

§  Essentially making catalogues equal

§  Harvestable = means you can get it regularly

§  Doesn’t take a lot of work to set up these connections because they are mainly RSS and Atom – thus known and simple XML schema

§  Get dataset and then search for granules

§  Some results are not linked… may be how he is opening links… but some will work

·         Adding a “sparql” search in addition to CSW and Opensearch

·         Going beyond metadata searching (NCC1701)

o   Examples were already showing… including RSS, YouTube, federal register

o   Not necessarily spatial data

·  - includes mobile and web based applications

·         Q back to Sparql – so others can search through sparql – but sparql can also do semantic mapping with other vocabularies – help define search on

o   In gptogc - Behind services is thing called “gmap” to return broader search

o   If different ontology service…. You can work with that – limitation is the interface needs to be understood by geoportal

·         Q search for specific attribute in FGDC

o   You can add conditions to your search

o   Interface to see which fields are in the catalogue


White, C.; Hogeweg, M.; Geoportal Surgery: Getting into the guts to support new protocols; Winter Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , November 2012