This training module is part of the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (or ESIP Federation's) Data Management for Scientists Short Course. The subject of this module is "Handling Sensitive Data". The module was authored by Robert R. Downs from the NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center which is operated by CIESIN – the Center for International Earth Science Information Network at Columbia University. Besides the ESIP Federation, sponsors of this Data Management for Scientists Short Course are the Data Conservancy and the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
In this module, we will tell you what sensitive data is and provide some background information about it. We will discuss why it is important that you identify and manage sensitive data, particularly for science. We’ll also talk about some important issues to discuss with your archive about managing the sensitive data.
LDMProvidingAccessHandlingSensitiveDataDowns_final from ESIPFed on Vimeo.