The NASA Science on Drupal Central ACCESS Project (NNX12AF17G) is working to build Drupal capabilities across NASA earth science. The project will be developing key new open-access modules for earth data- and metadata-rich websites. The NSODC is also bringing together all of NASA earth science Drupal web developers into a community of purpose, where they can share code, knowledge, lessons learned, and achievements. The project is in its first months of work. Already, two modules have been uploaded to Github: an FGDC metadata catalog module, and an image gallery and image data mining service for searching catalogs of browse images. The project’s ScienceOnDrupal twitter and Google+ accounts harvest Drupal insights from across the web. The central website: scienceondrupal.org is a hub for using Drupal in the sciences. The project plans to lead a session on Science on Drupal at the next DrupalCon, and is active in the ESIP Federation Drupal Working Group.