New ISO 19115-1 Capabilities


Two recent developments in ISO Standards bring important new capabilities to the Earth Science Communitiy:

  1. The ISO Metadata Standard published during 2003 (ISO 19115) was replaced during 2014 by ISO 19115-1
  2. The data quality section of ISO 19115 was replaced by ISO 19157

The conceptual models for ISO 19115-1 and ISO 19157 are published International Standards and the XML implementations are in the final stages of development. Both will be released during 2015. This session will focus on how these new standards can help the Earth science community by addressing questions like these and others that emerge from the discussion:

Can I migrate my existing metadata to 19115-1?

I need to unambiguously identify metadata records in multiple repositories

I need to track when changes in my metadata happen

I have many existing documentation resources that can help users

I have many existing web resources that can help users

My datasets include measured parameters, reference and quality information

My group uses local parameter names but we need standard names to share

There are papers and web pages that describe the quality of my data

My data quality information exists in databases or web services.

Users increase our understanding of data quality. We need to keep them in the loop


ISO 19115-1 – Questions and Answers – Ted

( see handout)

·         There are a lot of changes occurring in the metadata world

·         Metadata has been revised from 19115 to 19115-1 (or back from 19115-2)

·         Think of evolution of metadata – evolution is good

·         NOAA and NASA were not involved with the process 19115-2 came out – there were a lot of things that didn’t work with datasets  - want to aim to ISO 19115-1

·         Program is a # of statements

I’m confused by all these numbers

·         ISO is changing – oriented towards word and pdf – no longer have separate XML representation of implement – XML will be part of single standard.  19115-3 is an XML representations – of 19115-1, 19115-2 and 19157(?)

Conceptual models are useful, but I need XML implementations to get going

·         Volunteers like ESIP create the schema (there is a delay) – it takes time to create the schema

·         With 19115-3 will be done in 1.9 years (which is about half of the past XML)

·         People have the ability to test and have input  - all models are publicly available and free

o   Creating xml schema from uml models

How do I become familiar with and help test the new implementations


·         using Git for standards developing – using it as a collaborator environment – super helpful

Can I migrate my existing metadata to 19115-1                                                                                                          

·         in the repository, an iso transform to 19115-1 (19115to19115-1.xsl)

·         geonetwork opensource

I use GeoNetwork to manage metadata.  How can I try 19115-1

·         will also work with GeoPortal (Chirstine) – tools will exist

I need to unambiguously identify metadata records in multiple repositories

·         back in the day would get data from individual websites

·         in 19115 –nice opaque identifier – need to know who owns the metadata

·         in 19115-1 – became an identifier

My metadata includes identifiers from different sources and namespaces

·         codespace = name space for the authority  - there are about 50 different identifies in an ISO record – can do this to quality… processing steps…

My datasets are parts of larger collections

·         made it into a citation – like an identifier but has title

I need to track when changes in my metadata happen

·         before had a dateStamp

·         now has a date and a type – anything that could apply to dataset can apply to metadata

·         13 new types of date including: distribution, next update, expiry (overlap but use the ones you want)

·         Tracking metadata lifecycle is important

·         Christine – tracking when my dataset changes – how do we update the metadata … currently for the CI citation can have any type there

o   In maintenance information for the dataset – use scope – maybe a maintenance history

I have many existing documentation resources that can help users

·         In 19115 – had a number of different external resources

·         Added more in 19115-1  - more like a hub that can help users find types of documentation

I have many existing web resources that can help users

·         Remember that 19115 came out in 2003 and was made in the last century

·         Citation model came from libraries – couldn’t use online resource and can browse graphics

·         Finally have citations that work in the web - *possibly the biggest change

I need consistent information about people and organizations

·         Originally called a responsible party – role – because it was inside the object couldn’t have a database with people because of role

·         Added responsibility – points to person or organization

·         Added an extent (spatial and temporal) – when you have a climate data set for 50 years – have many people involved – able to specify

·         As people retire, tack what they were responsible

I have people and organizations in many roles

·         In 19115 had 11 roles

·         Added 9 new ones: coauthor, funder, stakeholder, mediator

·         Q (Ken) – is there some community agreement about what these things mean – is it universal agreement.  ISO definitions are week, particularly for code lists

o   Definition a profile – defining code list in the terms – define which profile you are using

o   Steve is the editor of 19115-3 – thank you Steve

I use many shared vocabularies for consistency across collections

·         Key work types were limited – added 10 new ones (used in NASA metadata because of GCMD)

·         Q what is feature type supposed to be – type of geographic feature, ex. Road, buoy,

I use a Creative Common License for my data

·         In 19115, couldn’t use Creative Commons License for my data (from NZ) so they extended it– now able to cover all the parts they needed with 19115-1

·         Community extends standards – revisions get added to standard when agreed upon

My datasets include measured parameters, reference and quality information

·         Data from NOAA – have SST but then have quality info about what went into that

·         In 19115 – it was difficult to organize

·         Added group of things – quality information, reference,

·         Added types of content – including reference info, quality, model result, coordinate (NetCDF has coordinate variable – axis of grid – if have multidimensional grid with 1 dimension coordinate variables – this can be 1 dimensional without causes problem)

My group uses local parameter names but we need standard names to share

·         Only got 1 name – added Identifier – now have multiple names – identifiers

·         Can give which list identifier came from (ex. Gcmd or cf)

My data are higher level products that need summary statistics

·         MD_Band – is more of an instrument thing – had min and max – EM band for instrument not what is actually in the band

·         Now Sample dimension – now really numbers & simple descriptive statistics

·         Q (Alek) – if I want to a spectra response function – where would I cite where to get the instrument information – description of instruments in 19115-2 – can point to citation that need to get into 19115-2

·         Q Ken – but -1 and -2… so -2 has instrument information but not in-1 – proposed add sensor – couldn’t get into -1

o   -2 won’t change until years from now… eventually will move to -2 – it will still be an extension of -1

o   -2 is an extension of 19115.

o   (Christine) – what do you do with your instrument information when you move from -2 to -1… will be updated in the uml is -3

o   Will it be loosey – no – but lost address type

·         Q Jaci - So in essence this is "shoe horning" in the -2 stuff in the -1 as a temp fix?? – not a shoehorning because they fit nicely … it used to be there was 1 xml and one xml implementation – now have one xml implementation or multiple conceptual models

o   Did they change the definition of the MD_Band in -1? – became bound_min and bound_max – couldn’t have properties - yes

Users need to know the unit of my products so that they can use them correctly

·         Now actual units

My products need specific metadata that are not included in the general model

·         Can put model peramaters that are not normally there

There are papers and web pages that describe the quality of my data

·         Can add it as a quality  - can link to papers that reference the quality of the data – can apply to specific parts of a paper

My metadata include textual description of quality

·         This is 19157

My data quality information exists in database or web services

·         These are modular – can connect to other aspects

We use standard quality measures for all products

·         Can use in all products without description for all products – in ISO you reference things – that is all you need

·         Sometimes you have classes that need quality flags – ex. Science quality flag – need to know how to calculate scientific quality flag – then include name and description of measure

·         ECHO has these fields and know how to map into ISO

User increase our understanding of data quality.  We need to keep them in the loop

·         Put citation and users can find it.


·         Ed – coverage content type – great addition – quality is a broad term – uncertainty and error info would be useful – is there a place they can fit in the current code scope

o   As it is a code list – use your own if you like

o   There is a description and identifier for measuring parameters, reference and quality information – this is a discovery aid

o   Can add our own institutional code – then link to the code list we are using

·         Can add things, examples, and problems onto the esip wiki

Habermann, T.; New ISO 19115-1 Capabilities; Winter Meeting 2015. ESIP Commons , December 2014