State of the Federation


The State of the Federation will have two parts - the first inward looking at ESIP and the second part will feature updates from sponsors and partners. This is a way for the community-at-large to very quickly understand what is going on. The ESIP section will be presented by ESIP President, Peter Fox, cover highlights from the last 6 months for collaboration areas including key developments and outputs as well as plans for 2015.  The second half of the State fo the Federation will include updates from ESIP Sponsors - NASA and NOAA and partners - USGS, RDA-US, EarthCube and GEO. 


The State of the Federation, presented by ESIP President, Peter Fox

Inward look at ESIP

  1. Types and Governance
    1. Type 1: 21/24 members active
    2. Type 2: 46/74 members active
    3. Type 3: 28/62 members active
    4. Type 4: 2/2 members active (NASA and NOAA)

Key developments

  1. Two organizations: ESIP Federation & Foundation for Earth Science separated
    1. ESIP as a community remains unchanged. FES provides management operational and logistical services to the ESIP Federation, unchanged.
  2. Foundation for Earth Science Executive Director position is filled!
    1. Congratulations to Erin Robinson who began her tenure on November 24, 2014

Plans for 2015

  1. Constitution & Bylaws Committee
    1. Work as directed by ExCom
  2. Data Stewardship Committee
  3. Finance Committee
    1. Finalize FY '15 budgets
    2. Standardize call for budget proposal
    3. Standardize reporting of budgeted work
    4. Work w/other groups to improve post-project continuance
  4. IT and Interoperability
    1. Focused on collaboration of interesting topics relevant to data interoperability for the Earth Sciences
    2. Check out their Wiki Page on the ESIPFed Wiki
  5. Partnership Committee
    1. Review new member applications
    2. Continue drafting 2015 ESIP Strategic Plan
  6. Products and Services
    1. RFP for Testbed projects coming out in April, October
    2. Project hosting opportunities
    3. Strengthen connections between completed projects and ESIP member research/work
  7. Funded Projects
    1. April and October Testbeds; FUNding Friday
  8. Agriculture and Climate Cluster
  9. Data Study Working Group
    1. Investigation of two potential opportunities
  10. Disaster Life Cycle Cluster
  11. Documentation
    1. Encoding metadata groups/attributes in HDF and netCDF
  12. Drupal Working Group
    1. Supporting ESIPers to attend DrupalCon and Drupal Camps
    2. More expert webinars and virtual office hours
  13. Energy anc Climate WG
  14. Science Software Cluster
  15. Semantic Web Cluster
  16. Visioneers Working Group
    1. Seeking for a new chair
    2. Help ESIP members keep running the best earth science meetings on the planet
  17. Summer Meeting:
    1. July 14-17, 2015
    2. Asilomar, CA
    3. RFID Networking Experiment
    4. Theme TBD - Join the Visioneers call at the end of January

Updates from sponsors and partners


  1. Datacenter reorganization
  2. New/Revised Policy Directives
    1. Data management Planning
    2. Data Access
    3. Data Citation


  1. Community for Datascience Integration (CDI)
  2. Working with a modular science framework as a mechanism for integration and synthesis
  3. Science Data Lifecycle Model
  4. Emerging policies for data management
    1. 4 coming in early 2015
  5. Built a data management website w/ best practives, workflows, etc.
  6. Science Data catalog
    1. Standardized metadata describing USGS science datasets and data systems


  1. Kevin Murphy joining NASA HQ as head of Earth Science Datasystems
  2. Earth Science Datasystems working group has much interaction w/ESIP


  1. 2014 ESIP Members are active in EarthCube goverannce and funded work
    1. Council of Data Facilities general assembly meetings will co-locate with ESIP Meetings
  2. 2015 new NSF Funding:
  3. 2015 EC working groups forming with some funding
    1. Opportunity for ESIP members to step up and work with geoscientists to build an optimal cyberinfrastructure


  1. 39 interest groups
  2. 17 working groups
  3. 2 Plenaries per year
  4. 4 deliverables being prepped for review

Coalition on Publishing Data in the Earth and Space Sciences (COPDESS)

  1. Statement of Commitment coming on January 15 with signatories
  2. Reaffirm and ensure adherence to existing journal and publishing policies regarding data sharing and archiving
  3. Look to build an online directory of earth and space science data repositories that can be used by journals and authors
  4. Promote metadata information and standards
  5. Develop workflows with repositories that support the peer review


  1. GEO is charged with developing GEOSS: Global Earth Observation System of Systems
  2. GEOSS: Intergoernmental effort to inform policymakers, science researchers and resource manager in decisionmaking
  3. USAID has interest in GEOSS
  4. USAID GeoCenter improves the impact of USAID programs by geographically targeting development resources
  5. USAID-NASA SERVIR program helps developing counries address climate change and environmental issues using earth observations and geospatial technologies
  6. Discussion of GEO's Evaluation Strategy
State of the Federation ; Winter Meeting 2015. ESIP Commons , December 2014