Agclimate telecon 2015-02-03
- SMAP launched!
- 2015 Winter Meeting - postscript (overall and Cluster session)
- ESIP Winter Meeting key findings and related actions
- Preparation for July ESIP
- Winter Meeting: Briefly looked at session notes and the corresponding google sheet with our Key Findings and Actionable Items
- Mission Statement (still in draft form) - think about how we can tap into the experiences and expertise of ESIP.
- How can we more clearly define our Cluster’s role - there are similar efforts out there, so how can we define our role and avoid duplication. *Where do we uniquely stand and what can we contribute?
- What key document or resource can we develop for the community in the near term (Summer meeting in July)
Key findings and Actions:
- Expand the google sheet of resources - this is good deliverable to work on/expand for July.
Address connections between researchers/tool makers who may be having specific issues with data, and link them to people who generate or work with the data -- potential “test bed”
- potential use-case (AIP8, Liping Di) -- AIP8 kickoff in March
- small amount of funding available
linking people to datasets/tools - example: SAR
- Nancy will follow up with AIP8/Liping
Bring in people from conservation efforts - landuse, farming and conservation to broaden the base - as ESIP members or potential collaborators
CRP - Conservation Reserve Program - potential involvement with ESIP, interest in Ag, Water and Climate and may be a good collaborator. **Possible intersection with South Central Climate Center.
- Bill will send information in a brief write up to Justin for CRP connection.
CRP - Conservation Reserve Program - potential involvement with ESIP, interest in Ag, Water and Climate and may be a good collaborator. **Possible intersection with South Central Climate Center.
The cluster could explore the question and pull information together for guidelines and recommendations for practices on data ownership - public vs private data.
- Possible google doc could be created for developing information about guidelines.
Citizen Science thoughts: An interesting conversation to continue.
- Many people get enthusiastic, but lots of potential error.
- Citizen Science workshop in Boise, Idaho - possibly follow up with that
- Quality of information vs. having more information
- Recording observations (and is that even “science”)
- Natural disaster related use of citizen science
- How social media/tweets might be used to augment the validation of satellite data
- Steve Kelling - Ebird, network of bird observers. Establishing authority of people doing the observations, internal ranking/rating system.
- Also working with tool developers - data inputs into tools that farmers might be using, where does that input information go and could it be useful for research?
Thoughts on questions of resolution:
- Wade Crow
- Bring more narrow/focused/technical aspects of resolving resolution issues
- Potential speaker or short guest talk or potential collaborator
- Follow up with Molly Jahn
- More of an FYI - SWAT hydrological model has (new) capabilities for easy integration of climate data - good for agricultural use. Long Term Crop Management Processes.
- July ESIP page is already up - think about the theme and what this cluster can focus on for the upcoming session
Agclimate telecon 2015-02-03; Telecon Minutes. ESIP Commons , February 2015
Submitted by Lindsay.Barbieri on 2015-02-04 08:33.