Get Git!


The 2015 ESIP fellows are hosting a workshop to present the fundamentals of the online integrated version control tool, "GitHub". Being able to communicate about the GitHub tool is important! With the recent switch to Github by key technological players such as Google, it is imperative that earth science professionals can direct their teams to take advantage of its powerful distributed archiving and quality control framework. In this session, we will introduce you to the "git" command line tool and to git-specific vocabulary you need to know. We'll explore how the git tool, which allows you to save versioned changes on a personal computer, scales up to GitHub, for integrated versioning amongst teams on multiple machines or at different sites. We'll then set up a sample repository and deploy a simple program to the online GitHub site. Finally, we'll demonstrate how to share repositories using methods such as "forking", "branching", or "submitting a pull request" that allow modifications with permission-based securities. This workshop is designed to be beginner friendly, but we're happy to work with you on more complex integration tasks that you might want to share, and to explore the future of GitHub as an application management platform. The student fellows hope that you will come "git" into "Git!"

Slides available here.
