Tools to Wag the Long Tail: Identification of Free and Open-Source Services that Assist with Data Management Implementation


Many significant efforts are underway to advance data management planning across all levels of geoscience. There is, however, a concomitant need to provide resources or guides for moving beyond data management planning to data management implementation. This session seeks to further that dialogue by identifying resources that could be included in an introductory guide for data management implementation.

Specifically, presenters will conduct a ‘show & tell’ for free and open-source services that contribute to implementation of data management best practices. The conveners will also introduce an online resource for attendees or community members to submit additional recommended resources in this domain. The intent is that by identifying and gathering currently available services and tools a resource can be developed for researchers that might otherwise fall into the ‘long tail’ of data.

Young, J.; Benedict, K.; Lynnes, C.; Duerr, R.; Tools to Wag the Long Tail: Identification of Free and Open-Source Services that Assist with Data Management Implementation; Summer Meeting 2015. ESIP Commons , April 2015