Katie is an Associate Scientist Plant Ecology with NEON, Inc.
Katie received her M.S. from the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Oregon State University where she studied plant community interactions looking at the role of existing community structure on seedling establishment of rare grassland forbs. Katie received her B.S. from the The Evergreen State College where she focused on citizen-directed conservation efforts and forest ecology. Her research interests are in plant species interactions and plant adaptations to environmental conditions.
Prior to joining NEON Katie was a Restoration Ecologist for the Institute for Applied Ecology in Corvallis, Oregon. She has conducted rare plant surveys in California, educated the public as a naturalist in Costa Rica, provided wildfire risk assessment and mitigation plans in Utah, and has worked as a boatman's assistant offering natural history interpretation and breakfast on river trips in the Grand Canyon.
Title | Updated date | Type |
Esri-NEON Tribal Lands Collaboratory: An ODE to Phenology | Wednesday, January 6, 2016 - 08:36 | Poster |