Workshop to develop CRT (Climate Resilience Toolkit) Case Studies


This Workshop continues the theme of the joint sessions (Ag&Climate Cluster and Energy & Climate Workgroup) at the ESIP Summer Meeting in Asilomar on CDI (Climate Data Initiative), CRT (Climate Resilience Toolkit), and ongoing work that could form the bases for CRT Case Studies.

Workshop agenda:

- Introduction to the workshop, logistics, etc.

- Introduction to CRT, LuAnn Dahlman

- Brief description of work related to energy that forms the basis for a potential CRT Case Study, Paul Stackhouse (LaRC)

- Brief description of work related to agriculture that forms the basis for a potential CRT Case Study, Jason Barnett (LaRC)

- Two concurrent breakout groups, one for energy and one for agriculture, to be led by Paul and Jason, respectively. The two groups discuss and draft the incipient CRT Case Studies, using the CRT "templates."

- The two groups recombine and share results, thoughts, next steps, etc.




  1. Case studies are:
    1. 400-800 words
    2. stories (i.e. struggling protagonist)
    3. examples of real people/communities that other can follow
    4. take action
    5. build toward resilience
  2. Basic story format: ________ AND_________, BUT______________, THEREFORE.
  3. All the CRT templates are located on Google Drive:
    1. Tips for developing case studies
    2. Case Study Metadata (PDF form)
    3. Tool template
    4. Standards for graphics & videos
  4. NASA’s POWER validates many parameters and provides user with metrics.
    1. Data is accessible to users through web portal.
  5. SSE v6 has 22 years of climatological data.
    1. Over 200 parameters focused ot renewable energy
    2. Partnered with RETScreen
    3. 460,000+ users; release 4 in 26 different languages
    4. Nearly all RETScreen use utilizes SSE data
  6. 9 newsletter articles showing RETScreen use
    1. Example 1: Wisconsin’s Solar Water Heating System Program
    2. Example 2: Wiked Joe’s Coffee Roasting Company
  7. RETScreen is about to upgrade to new version, Expert, coming out in April 2016.
  8. RETScreen Plus can allow favility operators to analyse and monitor energy performance data, integrating weather and NASA-derived solar data.
    1. 175,000+ users
    2. Example 1: Solar Panel System at NASA
    3. Example 2:  Solar Power Plant in Ottawa, CA
    4. Able to detect issues with facility systems using monitoring tool.
  9. POWER also formats data for agricultural use.
    1. Example 1: DSSAT
    2. Example 2: AgMIP/AgMerra
    3. Example 3: POWER Agricultural Usage by CSIRO
  10. Create an awards program for innovative uses of RETScreen to obtain additional stories of use.



  1. DSSAT provides a crop model which were featured in Nationgal Geographic.
    1. Farmers may need to switch crop type due to “climate uncertainty.”
    2. Who is the protagonist?
      1. County extension agent
      2. NC State used tabular data
  2. What was the reasoning for using these data?
  3. Trouble identifying actual decision maker
    1. Organic farmer in ME, “Tasha”
  4. Create model for identify use cases:
    1. Potentially through social media
      1. AgMIP active on Twitter
  5. Identify strong user-groups that can then help identify an individual for a case study.
  6. Farmer-woman Tasha AND she farms in Maine, with Tasha’s Organic Veggies BUT due to a change in her yields, THEREFORE she used AgMIP/DSSAT tools to make better decisions on crop type and processes to use on her farm.


Notes from Bill Teng

  • What CRT is looking for to develop Case Studies: Stories, from user’s perspective
  • Consumption chain!
  • Randy Olson’s “Houston, We Have a Narrative”;
  • Bare bones of a story: ___ and ___ and ..., but ___, therefore ___
  • Paul Stackhouse, LaRC, presented on energy/agriculture applied science projects as potential CRT Case Studies
    • One involving RETScreen International,
    • The other involving Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT),
    • Any project that uses RETScreen also, via RETScreen, uses LaRC data (in
    • DSSAT uses solar and met data for agricultural applications (e.g., crop modeling).
    • This Workshop produced 2 stories that form incipient CRT Case Studies.
    • L. Friedl (NASA HQ) suggested an award mechanism for RETScreen.
Workshop to develop CRT (Climate Resilience Toolkit) Case Studies; Winter Meeting 2016. ESIP Commons , October 2015