EarthCube Council for Data Facilities
7:00 | Meeting Opens | |
7:00 | EarthCube updates | M.Ramamurthy |
7:15 | COPDESS Updates | B.Hanson/ K. Lehnert |
7:30 | AGU Data Fair Report | B.Hanson/ K. Lehnert |
7:45 | BREAK | |
8:00 | ESIP Plenary - State of the Federation | |
9:00 | DMM Joint Presentation | |
10:00 | BREAK (note ESIP break is 30 min) | |
10:15 | Filling Vacancies on Exec Com | |
10:30 | CDF-TAC Collaboration Ideas | TAC Rep |
11:00 | New Working Groups-Discussion | |
11:30 | Funding and Sustaining CDF Activities | |
12:00 | Pick up box lunches | |
12:15 | Presentation by CDF Members | |
13:00 | Sustaining Data Repositories | |
13:45 | Other Business/ Closing Remarks | |
14:00 | Adjourn |
AGU's Data Management Maturity Assessment- Overview (Part of CDF) - 9am
Calling all data stakeholders! Come hear an overview of the American Geophysical Union's Data Management Maturity Assessment, from model to pilot facility experiences. Topics will include:
- Purpose of the assessment (benefits and techniques)
- High level review of the assessment method (planning/scoping, onsite time, final report/executive briefing)
- Pilot facility summaries (drivers for participation, expectation, preparation, execution including findings, and next steps)
- Federal - USGS ScienceBase
- Academic - BCO-DMO
- Lessons learned
- Going forward/next steps