CMR (Common Metadata Repository) Metadata Curation
This session focuses on Big Earth Data Initiative (BEDI) activities for improving the discovery, access, use and understanding of Earth observations. High quality metadata is essential for achieving these goals. This session will feature two talks focused on NASA’s Common Metadata Repository (CMR). The first talk will present the results of a CMR metadata completeness evaluation. This comprehensive evaluation included 16,000 metadata records in four dialects from seventeen CMR repositories. The second talk will focus on progress to date on the NASA Common Metadata Repository (CMR).
The first talk:
- present the results of a CMR metadata completeness evaluation.
- This comprehensive evaluation included 16,000 metadata records in four dialects from seventeen CMR repositories.
The second talk:
- focused on progress to date on the NASA Common Metadata Repository (CMR).
Habermann, T.; CMR (Common Metadata Repository) Metadata Curation; 2016 ESIP Summer Meeting. ESIP Commons , March 2016
Submitted by lpowers on 2016-03-24 10:02.