DreamBIG: Brainstorm Tools, Analytics, Apps, and Value using Analogies
Effective adaptation to our changing environment requires public, business, academic, and non-profit organizations to communicate and collaborate to make decisions for the long term. In practice, it can be confusing to determine how to get the necessary information and expertise to flow across these organizational boundaries. We propose this DreamBIG session to brainstorm ways to leverage the shared robust public collection of large and complex environmental data sets, data resources and environmental models and develop a collective set of application ideas.
Using analogies from medicine, psychology, marketing, investing, and other BIG data-generating fields-of-practice we will do a group participatory brainstorming exercise with a one-minute, one-slide presentation format to describe our great ideas on how to use geophysical data to analyze conditions surrounding and adaptation solutions to environmental change’s grand challenges and opportunities. At least one background webinar will proceed the ESIP Summer Meeting session. Innovation takes thinking!
Please participate in this work session to take a leadership role in developing the emerging interdisciplinary field combining science, environmental analytics, and business.