Moving Beyond Mandates: Progress Toward Public Access and What the Future Holds


With the introduction of open government, digital data strategies, and the open data/public access directives initiated in the Obama Administration, Federal agencies have been working towards implementing these new requirements. This has involved enormous effort in the development of policies, processes, tools and outreach in order to present quality data and freely available scholarly publications to the public. Along the way there have been successes and challenges for Federal agencies. As a new Administration takes over, we are in a position to take a look back and think about the future. This session will examine progress made towards achieving public access to open data and scholarly publications, how these activities affect non-government organizations, and explore how these achievements position us to sustain and enhance our responsiveness to these important government initiatives. 


Hutchison, V.; Wheeler, B.; Moving Beyond Mandates: Progress Toward Public Access and What the Future Holds; Winter Meeting 2017. ESIP Commons , October 2016