Experiences in Science Communication


We can all remember experiences when we shared our research or work, and our message was misunderstood or ignored. The bright side is that communication is a practice, which gives the grace to learn and try again.

In this roundtable, we'll talk about our experience when a science communication endeavor was or was not successful, what can be learned, and how that can help each other. Then we will summarize themes and brainstorm on how the ESIP community can help each other have better science communication success.

Preparation: Think about an experience to share. If you have written or visual artifacts that accompany it, that's great (but not required) - let us know in advance if you want to show on a screen or have an example printed.


Format: TBD - Brown bag, BoF or pre-post happy hour are other presentation format options

White, C.; Hills, D.; Experiences in Science Communication; Winter Meeting 2017. ESIP Commons , October 2016