Scientist, Atmospheric Physicist (FIU)
Jeff joined the FIU team in 2011 as an atmospheric physicist. His responsibilities include the development and implementation of data analysis algorithms and quality control of NEON's sensor data. His postdoctoral research at the National Center for Atmospheric Research utilized satellite data to investigate the interaction of cirrus clouds with background temperatures in the tropical tropopause layer. Jeff’s MSc and Ph.D. work included establishing a suite of ground-based atmospheric remote sensing instruments at the Toronto Atmospheric Observatory. This included extensive work in Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy as well as calibration/validation with numerous satellite instruments and developing associated data analysis protocols. Jeff earned his Honours BSc in Mathematics and Physics from the University of New Brunswick where his honours thesis addressed wave activity in the middle atmosphere. His research interests include tropospheric chemistry, atmospheric dynamics, radiative transfer, inverse theory, and the global carbon budget. Jeff is also an adjunct professor at the University of Denver where he teaches courses in Statistics and Atmospheric Science.
Title | Updated date | Type |
Framework for data-informed policy making | Monday, January 7, 2013 - 11:36 | Poster |