Justin’s research is focused on changes in carbon and nitrogen dynamics on nutrient-limited areas
of Mt. St. Helens. The goal of the research is to provide a better understanding of the fundamentals
of soil and plant nitrogen transformations, including mechanisms of nitrogen addition and retention
and the interactions between carbon availability and microbial communities. The NSPIRE program
allows interactions with other fields such as atmospheric chemistry, population ecology, hydrology,
and soil chemistry and provides for an open framework to incorporate interdisciplinary approaches
into this research. Results will further our understanding of fundamental processes of carbon and
nitrogen interactions and will lead to greater knowledge of ecosystem function, and can also be
applied to restoration efforts to inform how productivity and biodiversity can be restored in
disturbed areas. Finally, the young, rapidly evolving ecosystems of Mt. St. Helens can be used as a
model to understand basic carbon and nitrogen cycling within the soil, which can then be applied to
more complex ecosystems.
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Title | Updated date | Type |
Framework for data-informed policy making | Monday, January 7, 2013 - 11:36 | Poster |