The Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (“ESIP Federation”), the Data Observation Network for Earth (“DataONE”), and the Integrated Earth Data Applications (“IEDA”) data facility are funded projects that have developed data management training (DMT) initiatives in the last two years to fill a void in the community around data management, preservation, archiving, and citation for Earth science researchers. The approach taken by each organization in creating the online materials has been different in terms of length, depth of coverage, and format, but all have been created and vetted by Earth Science domain experts. This group of collaborative partners is seeking funding for and community engagement with a follow-on project to provide community feedback to DMT creators on the audiences and effectiveness of their training resources and to recommend educational review criteria to be used by future educational resource creators.
Project Deliverables would include:
- An inventory of existing DMT resources targeted to Earth Science research scientists
- Collaborative promotion of existing DMT resources from each project partner
- Evaluation of marketing and promotional activities designed to make the existence of the DMT resources known and used
- Recommendation of criteria for the review of new or revised educational resource materials on data management planning and data publication for research scientists
- Focused feedback to each DMT creation organization on effectiveness of DMT resources in meeting educational and training goals that can be used for future efforts